What is Headland Control?

What is Headland Control?


When it comes to modern agriculture, technology is a game-changer. One such technology is Tractor GPS Headland Control, which automates the turning radius of tractors at the end of a field. It helps farmers optimize their time, increase efficiency, and reduce operator fatigue. In this article, we will discuss how Tractor GPS Headland Control works and its benefits.

What is Tractor GPS Headland Control?

Tractor GPS Headland Control is a feature of a guidance system that automatically controls the turning radius of a tractor at the end of a field. This feature uses GPS to determine the tractor's location and speed, as well as the location of the field boundary. The system calculates the optimal turning radius based on these inputs and steers the tractor accordingly, reducing operator effort and increasing accuracy.

How does it work?

Tractor GPS Headland Control works by using a GPS receiver, an antenna, and an electronic control module. The system relies on satellite signals to determine the tractor's location and speed and compares this information with the field's boundaries. The operator sets the turning radius, and the system calculates the optimal angle of approach and initiates the turn, steering the tractor accordingly.

Benefits of Tractor GPS Headland Control

Tractor GPS Headland Control offers several benefits, including increased accuracy, efficiency, and reduced operator fatigue. With this system, farmers can expect a reduction in crop damage and improved yields due to consistent and precise turns. It also eliminates the need for manual steering and frees up operator time, allowing for increased productivity. Furthermore, the system reduces operator fatigue, which can lead to better mental health and reduced accidents.


Tractor GPS Headland Control is a valuable feature that helps farmers optimize their time and resources, increase efficiency, and reduce operator fatigue. By automating the turning radius of tractors, this technology improves accuracy and reduces crop damage while also increasing productivity. With the many benefits it offers, it is no wonder why Tractor GPS Headland Control is becoming a popular choice for farmers worldwide.

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