What is Prescription Mapping?

What is Prescription Mapping?


Precision agriculture has revolutionized the way we grow crops by using cutting-edge technologies such as GPS and sensors to monitor and manage fields. One of the key features of a guidance system is prescription mapping, which enables farmers to create customized maps for optimal seed and chemical rates for different areas of the field.

What is Prescription Mapping?

Prescription mapping is a feature of precision agriculture that creates a map of the optimal seed or chemical rates for different areas of the field. This map is based on several factors, including soil type, topography, and other factors that influence crop growth. The system uses data collected from various sources, such as soil samples, yield data, and weather forecasts, to generate a customized map for each field.

How Does Prescription Mapping Work?

To create a prescription map, a farmer first needs to collect data from the field using a variety of sensors and tools. This includes soil samples to determine the nutrient content and pH level of the soil, topography data to understand the elevation and slope of the field, and yield data to determine the productivity of the field. This data is then used to create a customized map that shows the optimal seed or chemical rates for different areas of the field.

Benefits of Prescription Mapping

Prescription mapping offers several benefits to farmers, including increased crop yields, reduced input costs, and improved soil health. By using precise seed and chemical rates, farmers can maximize their yields and reduce waste, saving money in the long run. Additionally, by tailoring inputs to specific areas of the field, farmers can improve soil health by reducing over-application of fertilizers and other chemicals.

Tractor GPS App for iOS

Tractor GPS is an app for iOS that provides farmers with a user-friendly interface for prescription mapping. With Tractor GPS, farmers can easily create customized maps for their fields using data collected from a variety of sources. The app also provides real-time guidance for planting and spraying, ensuring that farmers stay on track with their prescriptions.


Prescription mapping is a valuable feature of precision agriculture that helps farmers optimize their seed and chemical rates for higher crop yields. By tailoring inputs to specific areas of the field, farmers can reduce waste, save money, and improve soil health. With the help of tools like Tractor GPS, prescription mapping has become more accessible and user-friendly than ever before.

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